This post is all about the solution of the E. Negatives and Positives Codeforces Round #849 (Div. 4) Problem solution.

E. Negatives and Positives Codeforces Round #849 (Div. 4) Problem solution


Problem Statement :

Find the maximum possible sum that an array with n elements can have after performing the following operation any number of times:

Choose two adjacent elements and reverse their signs. To put it another way, choose an index I such that 1in1 and assign ai=ai and ai+1=ai+1.

Format of Input :

Timofey visited a well-known summer school and discovered a tree with n vertices. A tree is an undirected connected graph with no cycles.
Except for c0, every vertex in this tree is white. The vertex c0 is black in colour.
Timofey wishes to make all of the vertices of this tree black. He uses n1 operations to accomplish this. During the i-th operation, he selects the currently white vertex ci and paints it black.
Let us define tree positivity as the shortest distance between all pairs of different black vertices in it. The number of edges on the path from v to u is the distance between the vertices v and u.
Timofey wants to know the current state of affairs after each operation.

Format of the Output :

For every test case, print three strings a, b, and c separated by spaces on a single line — capybara names, such that writing them without spaces results in a line s. ab and cb, or ba and bc, must be satisfied.

If you have several options for restoring the names, print any of them. If the names are unable to be recovered, print ":(" (without quotes)

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D. Distinct Split Codeforces Round #849 (Div. 4) Problem solution, Click Here
Solution of the Problem: Click Here