Asymmetric Swaps Codechef January Long 2022 (Rated for Divs 3 & 4) problem solution

This post is all about the solution of the Asymmetric Swaps Codechef January Long 2022 (Rated for Divs 3 & 4) problem solution.

Asymmetric Swaps Codechef January Long 2022 (Rated for Divs 3 & 4) problem solution


Problem Statement:

Chef has two arrays of the same size NN, AA and BB.

Chef can perform the following tasks in a single operation:

Select two integers ii and jj (1 I j N)(1i,jN) and swap the elements A iA I and B jB j.
Chef devised a task to find the smallest possible value of (A max - A minA max A min ) after performing the swap operation any (possibly infinite) number of times.

Can you assist Chef with this task because he is very busy?

It should be noted that A maxA max and A minA min represent the maximum and minimum elements of the array AA, respectively.

Format of Input :

The number of cases will be indicated by a single integer TT in the first line of input.
Each test case's first and only line includes 2 space-separated integers NN and MM — the number of apples and oranges, respectively.

Format of the Output :

For every test case, output YES if the group is perfect and NO or else on a new line.

Each character can be printed in either uppercase or lowercase. The strings YES, yes, Yes, and yES, for example, are all considered identical.

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